Cryotherapy/Compression Bandaging

The brand of support and braces that we use in our clinic is Physicool. It is a unique cooling bandage impregnated with rapidly evaporating alcohols. When the bandage is wrapped around a limb or body part the alcohols will react to the body heat and evaporate. This evaporative process draws heat out of the local underlying tissue. Whilst the deep tissue is cooling down the simultaneous compression will modify the inflammatory response, helping healing and recovery. This product allows us to gain the benefits of both cryotherapy (reducing tissue temperature, blood flow, pain, and metabolism in the affected area) and compression (stop haemorrhaging and reduce swelling) at the same time without hassle.

Physicool’s formulated Coolant is used globally throughout hospitals, physiotherapy practices, sport arenas and at home. The versatile Physicool Cooling Bandage has proved to greatly reduce swelling and inflammation, reducing pain whilst helping speed up the recovery process.



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