Iliotibial Friction Syndrome

Iliotibial Friction Syndrome (ITB Friction Syndrome) is
one of the most ITBcommon causes of “Runner’s Knee”. The ITB attaches to a bony structure (femoral condyle) on the outside of the knee. It slides forwards and backwards across this bony point with movement. This repetitive sliding can create excess friction, especially when the knee is bent at 30 degrees, which commonly happens just as your foot strikes the ground in running. Hence, producing ITB Friction Syndrome.

  • Sharp pain or burning sensation above the outer knee
  • Pain worsens when running in carried out
  • Swelling at the outer knee

We will firstly examine the issue and provide further assistance and guidance to give you our best advices and treatments for you.

Treatments include pain relief modalities such as ultrasound and heat therapy (hot pack), myofascial release, stretching and clinical massage.

Most of the time, circumstances like this just require a physiotherapist for assured recovery. However, if it is one of the rarer cases where signs and symptoms are not improving and unresolved, you may be referred back to the doctors for consultation and further investigation.

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