Achilles Pain


Two common disorders of Achilles pain are Achilles tendonitis and Achilles tendonosis. Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon and this is typically short-lived. Over time, if the inflammation is not attended and resolved, the condition may lead to a degeneration of the tendon which is Achilles tendonosis.



  • Aching pain, stiffness, soreness and tenderness within the Achilles
  • If the condition has progressed to Achilles tendonosis, the tendon can be enlarged and may also develop nodules in the affected area
  • Gradual increase in pain over the days
  • Pain occurs during movement and subsides during rest

We will firstly examine the issue and provide further assistance and guidance to give you our best advices and treatments for you.

Treatments include pain relief modalities such as ultrasound and heat therapy, strengthening of muscles and advices on orthotics.

Most of the time, circumstances like this just require a physiotherapist for assured recovery. However, if it is one of the rarer cases where signs and symptoms are not improving and unresolved, you may be referred back to the doctors for consultation and further investigation.

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